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담당자 정보

  • 이름 김소영


  • 대표자 나종주
  • 설립일 1976-03-22
  • 홈페이지 http://www.bioacts.com
  • 연락처 0328189100
  • 주소 (21666) 인천 남동구 청능대로595번길 9 (논현동) 10층
  • 사업분야

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    의약품 > 치료법 개발 > 합성 의약품

  • 소개자료

    - 바이오 핵심 소재 기술인 형광 시약 제조 기술을 기반으로 한 고부가가치의 차단계 제품시장 입성 - 김해 산업의생명센터와 긴밀한 협력관계를 구축 김해 의생명센터 내에 별도의 지사 및 GMP 공장 설립 - 수년간 김해를 당사 바이오 사업의 매출을 극대화할 수 있는 전초기지로 육성할 예정 - 차후 설립될 연구소기업과 당사의 개발제품을 평가해 주고 구매해 줄 병원 및 의/약학 대학, 지역 내 바이오/의약학/수의학 계열의 회사 및 연구 기관들과도 활발한 교류 기대 - 바이오, 제약 분야에서 연구개발의 필수 소재 및 완제로 사용되는 단백질, DNA, 조직, 세포, 동물의 광학 영상을 위한 바이오 염료, 체외진단용 신호전달 소재 및 광학 조영제를 개발, 생산 및 판매


  • qFlamma Quenchers

    qFlamma® quencher absorbs excitation light energy from a fluorophore and dissipates the energy as heat without any native fluorescence. The main advantage of the quencher is the non-emissive excitation and elimination of background fluorescence. In conjunction with fluorophores, qFlamma® quencher is a key component in designing FRET probes, in protease activity assays, nucleic acid hybridization, PCR, etc. The absorbance peaks of qFlamma® quenchers completely cover spectral range from visible to near-infrared that all of commercially available fluorescent dyes can be effectively quenched.

  • TAMRA and FAM

    5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein (FAM) and 5(6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine (TAMRA) dyes are used for labeling of biomolecules. FAM is one of popular green fluorescent reagents used for labeling peptides, proteins and nucleotides. In addition to relatively high absorptivity, good fluorescence quantum yield and good water solubility, FAM has an excitation maximum that closely matches the 488 nm spectral line of the argon-ion laser. TAMRA fluorophore has been a widely used for preparing bioconjugates, especially fluorescent antibody and avidin derivatives. TAMRA dye is also widely utilized for oligonucleotide labeling and automated DNA sequencing applications. TAMRA is often used as FRET acceptor for FAM fluorophore.

    Flamma Fluors

    Flamma® Fluors dyes can cover the full spectral range from UV to NIR. Features of them are strong absorption, high fluorescence quantum yield and high photostability. Flamma® dyes maintain good fluorescence activity and stability after conjugation to biomolecules and allow the detection of low-abundance biological structures with great sensitivity. The dyes are compatible with optical conditions of most of fluorescent equipment and are ideal for any applications in biological studies. They are equipped with a variety of reactive groups: NHS and Sulfo-NHS ester, vinylsulfone, maleimide, click chemistry, isothiocyanate, and hydrazide.

    FSD ™ Fluor

    FSD Fluor™ is a new generation of dye series with superb fluorescence intensity and high quantum yield comparing to traditional dyes. The fluorescence intensity after binding to biomolecules such as antibody, nucleotide, and protein maintains still excellent. FSD Fluor™ series is ideal for variety of biochemical and biological analytical applications with a less amount of dye conjugate. FSD Fluor™ series equipped with a variety of reactive groups and covers the full fluorescence spectral range from UV to NIR. FSD Fluor™ dyes are suitable for every filter and are designed to meet the requirements for complex detection in the field of life science research.

  • Fluorescent Dyes

    Fluorescence labeling of biomolecules with fluorescent dyes enable to visualize a tiny amount of labeled molecule from a complex mixture of biomolecule. Metal binding fluorescent dyes allow to directly measure non-fluorescent metals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, etc. Additionally, fluorescent dyes and quenchers are equipped with wide variety of reactive and functional groups. Fluorescent dyes are widely used in observation and staining purposes, but conditions are required for their effective performance. - They should be worked in the spectral range from UV to near infrared wavelength. - Using them should not disturb the function of the molecule. - The dye should be labeled in non-active site.


  • 의약품 의료기기 특허 논문 연구보고서 TRL1

    바이오 형광 염료 개발
    - 생체분자표지물질 개발 - 연구용 형광시약, 진단기기/시약용 형광 소재, 동물/체내 영상용 형광 프로브 연구
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