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함께 소통하고 협력하고 싶은 연구자나 기업을 검색해보세요.

담당자 정보

  • 이름 김상균
Sang Gyun Kim is Cancer Project Leader and Korea R&D Leader at Sanofi AP R&D. After receiving his Ph.D. in Biological Science at Seoul National University, he conducted his postdoctoral training in Department of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School and expanded his research career at Weil Cornell Medical College as an instructor. He joined Sanofi in 2014 where he has been leading Oncology discovery projects in collaboration with Korea academia and biotech along with setting the stage for a scientific channel between Korea biopharma industry and Sanofi Global R&D.


  • 대표자 배경은
  • 설립일
  • 연락처 042-863-9203
  • 주소 (34139) 대전 유성구 어은로 42 (어은동) 우진빌딩 2층 사노피
  • 사업분야

    의약품 > 치료법 개발 > 합성 의약품
    의약품 > 치료법 개발 > 단백질 의약품
    의약품 > 치료법 개발 > 세포 치료제

  • 소개자료

    Sanofi is a global healthcare and biopharmaceutical company, dedicated to supporting people facing their health challenges and committed to researching, developing, manufacturing and distributing therapeutic solutions. As a core function, Sanofi R&D works to transform scientific knowledge and medical advances into cutting-edge therapies for patients. Discovering solutions to the world’s most pressing unmet medical needs is Sanofi R&D’s top priority. During the presentation, our R&D interest and open innovation for partnering will be introduced and discussed.


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